coMra Wave Blog

How Exactly coMra Wave Will Improve the Quality of Your Water

Water… We cannot live without water as our bodies are around 70 % water. Everybody knows that. The percentage of water in the brain is even more. There is a constant interdependence, interaction and interrelation between ourselves and water. So, if we constantly pollute our water, then there is no way we can expect to drink fresh and healthy water. Everybody knows that.

How water moves

Water likes to move constantly in a spiral way. The meanderings of water are not just by chance – it is the nature of water to move like that. Not only there are hundreds of ways in which we pollute water, the final straw is when we try to force the water to pass via straight pipes! Imagine how you would feel if your hands and legs were tied and you could not move. Do you think you would feel healthy and energetic? So, by the time water finally ends up in our glass, although chemically “clean” from all the filters we use, it has already lost its vitality.

Blood sample results

Experiments with blood samples taken from people show interesting results. When tap water is consumed, the blood cells are very sluggish and with very low energy. Then fresh natural water is being served and four minutes after the intake another blood sample is taken. Now the blood cells swarm with energy! Drinking FRESH water then is the lesson. By fresh water we mean water which is full of energy and is structured as it is in nature.

coMra Wave technology

So, what coMra Wave Technology actually does is to return water to its natural vortex movement on a micro level. This is done by using the harmful radiations from the environment and transforming them into a beneficial field that influences the structure of the water. The vitality of water is dramatically increased – and that reflects straight away, as it should, in the taste of it. The speed of exchange of the relationship between the molecules becomes dynamic again and thus it is brought closer to the natural state of the pure spring water. The water is fresh and vital again!

How does coMra Wave achieve these results?

Firstly, by receiving a wide spectrum of microwaves that constantly surround us, for example, the four GSM bands, Wi Fi signals, TV signals, and other modern electronic communication devices. Secondly, this microwave energy is transformed – the form is changed from the old form into a new form. This happens in 4 stages: receive, transform, rotate in three phases, radiate. In addition to this new form, new content is exchanged – what we term as an energy signature. This new energy signature introduces additional impetus and creates order on a molecular level. The bonds between the water molecules are constantly renewed as a result of this new signature. To put it simply, coMra Wave technology introduces double movement: the form of the new volumetric field is one of a vortex:

As a result of drinking fresh water, we fill ourselves with energy! Thus the approach with coMra Wave technology is all about the quality of water – and the life we live. Using coMra Wave technology will create a small change in your life but will increase the very quality of it. The feeling of health and well-being as a result of drinking structured water, will definitely improve your life.


Water Dynamics (research by coMra)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (research by coMra)

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