coMra Wave Blog

Holistic Medicine And Water As Solution To All Maladies

Holistic healing is an option that provides potential remedies to those who are looking for an alternative form of healing. These days, holistic medicine is getting even more popular and the values that are behind this science and how it works are also getting more and more known.People with open minds and a strong desire for knowledge are genuinely attracted to this form of healing.

Holistic therapies

These therapies include a wide array of natural and functional methods that are used to get the body back to a balanced state, free of all maladies. For years, the eastern medicine has been including many of these holistic medicine techniques and therapies in their healing sciences. These therapies encompass every aspect of health, right from physical to emotional to mental and spiritual. The most common techniques include Nutrition and Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Poultices and Packs, Meditation, Yoga and other physical exercises for relaxation and well-being.

coMra Wave technology

New emerging holistic approach to health is coMra Therapy. This is a safe and non-invasive approach to treating chronic pain, stimulating cellular regeneration and repairing damaged tissue. It supports the natural ability of the body to heal itself. The coMra Wave is a member of the coMra family designed to complement the treatments done with coMra Palm or Delta. The technology used in the coMra Wave devices generally works in two ways – to structure the water and to protect the body from the electro-magnetic pollution.

Water as part of the holistic healing

Human body is around 70 percent water and this makes water a very integral part of our health and overall well-being. Every function of our body is dependent on water and is affected by its presence. Therefore, it is very important that we drink good quality water as often as we can. Water has detoxifying properties and provides the conditions for the cells to operate and reproduce. However, the body uses the natural water better compared to bottled or tap water. The reason for this is that in nature, all of the water is structured and through movement is energised and cleansed. The coMra Wave devices structure the water in several minutes due to the vortex that is created on molecular level. So, just in ten minutes the water that you drink is structured – all of the water molecules are aligned creating clusters and shapes.

The electro-magnetic radiation and its harmful effects

The time that we are spending around electronics of any kind increased significantly compared to the past. The exposure to harmful radiation is now everywhere and almost all the time.Smart phones, computers, wireless internet, smart kitchen, computers in cars – the electronic devices are now everywhere. They create electro-magnetic fields around them which affect the human body. Some people are more sensitive to EMF but even if you don’t notice any symptoms, your cells can definitely feel the radiation. With coMra Wave on the back of your phone, the radiation reaching your body is significantly less. The device does not block the signal but works on the water in your body and partially protects from the harmful effects the phones have on the brain.

Holistic medicine can be used to not only temporarily, but also permanently eliminate diseases right from their roots with no negative side effects – especially when we actively participate in the healing process!

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How Exactly coMra Wave Will Improve the Quality of Your Water

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