coMra Wave Blog

Microwave Signatures

“If ever we can ascertain at what period the earth’s charge, when disturbed, oscillates, with respect to an oppositely charged system or known circuit, we shall know a fact possibly of the greatest importance to the welfare of the human race. I propose to seek for the period by means of an electrical oscillator or a source of alternating currents.”

Nikola Tesla

Microwave Signatures

Modern wireless communication produces a widespread background radiation in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. From TV broadcasting in the UHF band from 400 MHz, all the way through the cellular bands, and up to wireless networking at 2.45 GHz, and beyond.

The coMra Wave technology absorbs some this background radiation and uses it as a power source to add an additional function and benefit, in the re-processing of this received energy into a signature and pattern that can be used beneficially in the natural re-arrangement of the structure of water, and hence benefiting our health and well-being directly.

The coMra Wave technology uses firstly a broadband receiver to collect radiation from the surrounding background in the microwave band between 384 MHz and 2.65 GHz, at key active regions in the band spectrum.

The broad-band receiver to be effective in its application needs to receive microwave energy from the surrounding environment within a range of densely used bands including UHF, GSM, 3G and Wi-Fi.

The received microwave energy from the entire active absorption band is then used as a power source for the resonant electromagnetic signature generator, which produces a rotational vortex like motion to the electromagnetic energy. The electromagnetic generator constructs the correct signature by using a non-linear modulated microwave mixer that feeds a sequence of carefully arranged phase delay resonators in specific spatial geometry.

The output of the technology is a rotational electromagnetic vortex signature which is picked up by close proximity water, and imprinted within the re-arrangement of the water to produce a closer state of vibration to natural water.

The vortex is a universal rotational motion that exists within nature both at an electromagnetic and mechanical level. A vortex is known to create an orderly, consistent, and re-generative effect within the specific medium, where the alignment and re-arrangement at a molecular level shows a greater level of coherence and vibrational energetics.

Vortices also naturally exist within mechanical flow systems, particularly in water and fluid dynamic systems. It has been shown that fluid treatment apparatus, that employ a vortex like motion leads to a greater quality and energetic state of the water.
The polar nature of water lends itself very well to responding to vortex fields, and using high frequency microwave radiation to increase water energetics through the partial absorption of the incident radiation.

The measurements below show the different mediums inserted between the transmitter and receiver of a high quality Spectrum Analyser. You can see calibrated microwave transmission response using human tissue, water, and the coMra Wave technology inserted between the transmitter and receiver.

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  1. Pingback: Why Drinking Structured Water is So Important For Your Health

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