coMra Wave Blog

Water Research Shows Surprising Results

We all learn in school that water has three states – solid (ice), liquid and gas. But what if there is another state of water that is crucial for our health and well-being. In what state is actually the water in the living cell? Should the water in the cell have particular properties for the chemical reactions to occur? One of the leading scientists in the field of water research is Dr. Gerald Pollack, University of Washington professor of bioengineering. He has discovered some surprising information about water.

Dr. Gerald Pollack and his research

Over the years Dr. Pollack has compiled a list of over 200 publications. His 1990 book “Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion” won an Excellence Award from the Society for Technical Communication. His more recent book “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life,” won the Societies Distinguished Award. In 2008, he was selected to receive the University of Washington’s highest singular distinction: the Annual Faculty Lecturer Award. Dr. Pollack’s research reveals that much of cell biology may be governed by a single unifying mechanism – the water phase transition.

The water molecules become structured in arrays or strata when they interact with charged surfaces such as those presented by proteins, the building blocks of our organism. So, the water in the cell is potentially structured. In that way, water stays put in the cells because it’s absorbed into the protein surfaces. In fact, structured water adheres to the proteins of the cells and its actually ordered pretty much like a crystal. Like ice, it excludes particles and solutes as it forms. The space formed is called an exclusion zone (EZ).

The fourth phase of water

This 4th phase of water is called EZ water, liquid crystalline, or simply STRUCTURED WATER. Water is the carrier of the most important molecules of life, like proteins and DNA and is absolutely essential to every function of the cell. In the cell, the structured water is created so that all the chemical reactions take place in that beneficial environment. Actually, a cell cannot be healthy and replicate properly if there is not enough structured water. Therefore, if all the water in the cell is bulk water, it may lead to the death of the cell or its mutation. In other words, structured water carries the energy needed by the living cells. In nature, the water is energized by its natural cycle of formation and purification. But that is not the case with bottled and tap water. Actually, by staying in bottles or running through square pipes, it loses its structure, qualities and energy.

coMra Wave technology

The coMra Wave devices were created to meet the need of people to drink structured water. It takes several minutes for the water to change its molecular structure once in contact with the coMra Wave technology. Structured water then could be used by the body to maintain its healthy condition and to build its own proteins and specialized cells. The multi-layered technology of coMra Wave was designed to protect your brain from the harmful radiation around you and to change the molecular structure of the water. It is enough to stick a coMra Wave Cell on the back of your phone and leave it there. For your drinking water, you can use a coMra Wave coaster or a Cell under your water container. It will improve the quality of the water and even it will taste better in just ten minutes. The coMra Wave technology can be used continuously as it has no negative side effects. It will support your health with time even more.


Water Dynamics (research by coMra)

Radiation Absorption – and Structured Water (research by coMra)

Frequently Asked Questions about coMra Wave technology

1 thought on “Water Research Shows Surprising Results”

  1. Pingback: Benefits of Hydrating Yourself With Good Water

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