coMra Wave Blog

Losing Weight with Structured Water

Many people are struggling to lose weight and we all know that drinking plenty of water helps the process. However what will happen if you drink structured or “energized” water? How much and what type of water do we need when we want to lose weight? It is very important not only to drink a lot of water but to be careful about the quality and the properties of it. Where does your drinking water come from? There is a huge difference if you drink tap and bottled water or you consume natural spring water. On the other hand, there is an option to structure your water and make it as if it is fresh spring water. Structured water has a special molecular structure which actually changes its properties and is better for you. While the cells need structured water to function properly, all the water that enters your body has to be structured before being used by the cells.

Will that speed up the process?

All natural life on earth depends on water for survival. Without water, natural life on earth would be non-existent, there would be no plants and animals and most of all – no human life. Humans depend on water as the human body consists of two thirds of water. In order to be healthy our body must not have unnecessary weight as most of which is toxins and waste products. We all need to keep a relatively good weight so that our organs work well and we feel energetic and toned. Due to the food that we eat and our life-style however, we often are in a position wanting to lose some weight as everyone wants to look and feel good.

How does the water that we drink help us?

If you want to lose weight, you will need a lot of water to wash out the waste products from your body and to help the inner organs to get rid of the toxins. The more water we drink, the easier is for the body to heal and clean itself. But what type of water do you drink daily? The tap or bottled water is not really good and very much “alive” as the natural water that comes from the spring or is found in the fruits and vegetables. In nature the water is structured and energized.

How is structured water formed?

Structured or ordered water is water that interacts with the cells of the body and the pH of the water molecules are balanced and therefore is not attracted to either acids or alkali. Imagine cells of the body as being a matrix of proteins and in between these protein molecules are water molecules thus forming a protein water interface and structuring water molecules. In fact, there is a connection between structured water and negatively charged ions. Negatively charged ions increase structuring of water molecules. The coMra Wave devices turn your drinking water into structured water by creating a molecular vortex. This also helps remove any toxins and poisons and therefore purifies the water. These small devices work by creating a vortex which spins the water through, acting like a cleanser. Just in several minutes on the coaster, your water is already structured and energized.

How does structured water help you lose weight faster?

As mentioned above, water interacts actively with the cells. So, if you have tissue damage or organ problems how does it work? With tissue damage the cells are not lined or ordered as they should be and therefore the water molecules do not interact with the cells and the brain senses a lack of water. This could be easily confused for hunger. This leads to eating more in order to try to satisfy the hunger which in fact is thirst or dehydration. Then the proteins in the cells are damaged. This can lead to muscle pains and cramps, making every movement painful. In the long term, this could end up in gaining weight, feeling tired and depressed. On the other side, structured water has been shown to increase metabolism as it provides the necessary molecules to activate the metabolic process. Water will speed up your metabolism and thus increase your caloric output which will result in weight loss. Drinking structured water can help to shed pounds and to keep the weight off just by being hydrated enough.


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