coMra Wave Blog

Benefits of Hydrating Yourself With Good Water

Water is one of the most essential liquids that you can consume everyday to eliminate toxins from your body and to help it with all its functions. It is true that water flushes down many kinds of waste which are not good if they stay inside the body. Drinking a lot of water can also help you retain a consistent body weight and to lose the excess. If you are aiming at weight loss, then water is the perfect tool you can use. This is one of the simplest remedies for many diseases too. Water is so important for the normal condition of the body that we need to consume it every day.

Skin and body

Water helps you be fit and with good levels of energy. If you drink a lot of water, you will be more active, strong and healthy. Water is essentially good for your muscles, especially if you exercise daily. It is important that you drink at least a liter of water every day to keep your body hydrated. You can cut down on beverages and drink water instead, and also eat more fruits and vegetables. If you are drinking black tea or coffee excessively, your body can become dehydrated as these are diuretics. Water is important for the hydration of your skin too as the cosmetics cannot reach its deeper layers. The best hydration comes from the inside.

Digestion and health

Drinking enough water daily can improve your process of digestion. With more water in your diet, you can avoid constipation, lose weight and also get rid of the cellulite. When you drink the required ounces of water daily, you can have a healthy gut. Drinking good and fresh water everyday, can also prevent the occurrence of bladder or urinary infections. Water is very important for hormonal balance, blood circulation and heart health. Almost every process in the cell is taken with the participation of water or in a water environment.

What type of water to drink?

The best water to drink is the natural one that is full of life and energy. We have invented the coMra Wave devices to assist everyone who wants to drink structured, fresh and energized water daily. How to use them? Just put a coMra Wave cell or coaster near your glass of water and in ten minutes, you can enjoy the new energized water. You can stick a coMra Wave on your cellphone in order to protect yourself from the harmful radiation coming from the mobile and Wi-Fi that surround you. This is possible as the coMra Wave technology can structure not only the water you drink but also the water in your body.

Other health benefits

Good hydration is important for temperature regulation of the body, the hormonal and emotional balance, blood and lymph circulation etc. When you are well hydrated, your mood gets better as most of the serotonin is produced in the gut. In order for the digested food to move freely through the gut, your body needs water. Even headaches can be prevented by drinking a lot of water because the brain must be well hydrated in order to function properly. Your kidneys too will feel healthy when you drink a lot of water. Drinking hot water is like taking an inner bath – it is great to start the day that way!

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