coMra Wave Blog

The Important Role Water Plays In Our Life

Water has been a part of the developing human civilization since the beginning. This is one of the natural resources that will continue to play its important role even in times to come. While some people do not have access to clean, drinking water others live in regions where there is a lot of it. But the question is whether the water is clean and if it is clean whether it is alive? The water in the rivers and the oceans is getting more and more polluted while the tap water is cleansed with chemicals but has no natural energy. The water in nature has a specific structure which makes it full of life and energy. Water supports life! However, only if water has its natural structure it can support life properly.

How water affects health?

Apart from drinking water and food preparation, a garden or a lawn in your home cannot look beautiful unless and until it is watered daily. You can also find many water resorts that beat the summer heat. There are also many spa centers which use the properties of the natural spring water for healing their visitors. Water helps with keeping the temperature of your body cool and you will feel more energetic when your body is well hydrated. When you are tired and you drink juice or water, you will immediately replenish the tired state of your body. Water is also essential for the major organs and blood circulation. All the flexible parts of the body get well lubricated when you drink a good quantity of water daily. It also eases bowel movement and flushes toxins out of your body. It also protects your mouth and nose from dryness.

Daily uses of water?

When you drink water that is treated by removing all the impurities and is additionally energised and structured, you can ensure your good health. This is a way to avoid water borne diseases that are dangerous and hard to cure. Pure water also helps your skin and hair retain their sheen and glow. Beauty products that we use also have water content in them. Many countries that do not get enough water because they are dry lands having little chance of precipitation. In developed countries and developing countries water is regulated using various methods so that the population living in that country has access to drinking water.

Survival depends on water

Around 70% of the earth’s crust and 70% of the human body comprises H2O that is pure water. Water is said to be the most important element for survival just after air. If water is not there, we will not be able to survive. Most of the animals do not survive for many days in a desert or during the dry season. Water plays a huge importance in our daily life and in how we organize our daily routine. We are surrounded by water, but only a little bit of it is usable for drinking. The most important thing to be really understood and not taken for granted is that the human body is over 70% water, and hence it is important to maintain this level always.

coMra Wave technology

The coMra Wave technology uses the knowledge of electromagnetic fields and water dynamics. This technology creates that additional push for the “perfect” water. It re-energizes and re-structures water by providing extra electromagnetic radiant energy. It is good to remember too that the water inside our body is like a liquid crystal. When you drink structured water daily, your cells do not waste energy to energise the water coming from the outside and can use that energy for healing and reproduction. You will feel how you have more resources to go on with your tasks and activities.

Water is life

The water in the body helps with keeping the blood flowing smoothly and helps the organs to perform properly. Also, a well hydrated body is protected from a number of diseases. Thus, it supports us in staying fit and healthy. We use water in cooking, for hygiene purposes, and for various day to day activities. The difference can be seen the very moment when water is not available in our homes, and we desperately wait for it. Even the whole system of blood vessels in the body is gently shaped so that the liquids can move smoothly. Our blood vessels resemble the rivers on the surface of the planet. All of the living creatures need water in order to survive.

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How Exactly coMra Wave Will Improve the Quality of Your Water

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