coMra Wave Blog

What is Structured Water?

The new discoveries about the nature of this most unusual substance we call water, clearly prove that the structure of water is much more important than its chemical composition. But what structured water actually is ? Does water change its qualities when it is “structured” ? When water springs out of the ground it is clean, fresh and full of energy. When no chemicals are added, water in fruits and vegetables is also structured and naturally energized. Along the way to the cities, however, drinking water loses most of these qualities and also its structure is changed into something different. If we want to stay healthy, we need to find a way to return water back into its normal state. How to help water to build and maintain its natural structure again.

Why do you need coMra Wave technology?

The coMra Wave technology has to be close enough to your glass of drinking water to make it structured. It changes the molecular structure of the water returning it back to its natural state. When water is structured, it literally has new better properties and can transport more energy and usable oxygen. It also affects the water in our bodies in the same way – making it energized and structured. The term “structured water” itself has already been established for quite some time. It points basically to the process of a specific way of clustering the water molecules.

The process of clustering

So, before we go into why structured water is so important, let’s first describe the process of clustering. From the point of view of physics, the popular formula H2O signifies the water molecule and points to the fact that this molecule consists of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen.

  • The hydrogen atom consists of a positively charged core and negatively charged electrons in orbit (called electron shells) around the core.
  • The oxygen atom too consists of a positively charged core, but there are three orbits of 8 negatively charged electrons.
  • The last electron’s orbit of the oxygen can attract two more electrons from the two hydrogen atoms, or one electron from every atom.
  • In this way a bond is established between the atoms of hydrogen (called hydrogen bonding) and oxygen, and the H2O molecule is born.

Furthermore, the result of this exchange is that the hydrogen atoms end up with no electrons in their orbit and a consequent (+) charge, whereas the oxygen atom, after receiving electrons, ends up with two (-) charges. Hence, the water molecule has a polar nature – dipole, like a little magnet. Thus, the charge differences cause water molecules to be attracted to each other and to other polar molecules. Due to the collective activity of the hydrogen, bonds between water molecules clusters are formed. In nature, the form of the clusters can obtain a very regular crystal like shape.

This new state of water is both solid and liquid at the same time, and so it is called liquid crystalline water or structured water. We now have a new innovative technology device that works without the need of electricity power and converts water into its “structured” state. In other words, with a coMra Wave cell or coaster, you can make water natural again. In other words, you can now enjoy and benefit from its natural qualities to be fresh, clean and good for your health.

How to use the devices?

You just put the coMra Wave cell or coaster under your water container and it will alter the water returning it back to its natural state – structured and energized. The hydrogen bonds within this crystal structure are constantly breaking while new bonds are being formed at the same time with different water molecules. This process contributes to the very dynamic and unique memory-like quality of water. Water in nature has a double spiral movement that contributes to its energy and structure. You just put the coMra Wave Cell or Coaster under your water container and it will alter the water returning it back to its natural state – structured and energized. It is good for every living creature – from plants to animals and humans. If you want to keep up with your well-being,you need this powerful water daily. It nurtures each cell and organ, helping them be healthy and strong enough to fight the polluted environment.


How Exactly coMra Wave Will Improve the Quality of Your Water

Radiation Absorption – and Structured Water (research by coMra)

Frequently Asked Questions about coMra Wave technology

4 thoughts on “What is Structured Water?”

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