coMra Wave Blog

Cell Phones Radiation And Structured Water In The Body

Structured water is the universal medium for the processes in our body: movements of the muscles, the lubrication and suspension of joints, the neuro signal transmissions…etc. For example, electrical signals travel outside of the neurons within the medium of the structured water that envelops them, as the speed of the signal in this way is enormously increased! Therefore it is the structure of water within our bodies that ultimately determines health or sickness.

Water and cell phones radiations ( wi-fi, EMF etc.)

The delicate and structured order of the water in our body is easily damaged by stress and especially by cell phone and wireless radiations. In our daily life, we are exposed constantly to the effects of electromagnetic radiation from a host of wireless transmitting devices. Cellular phones, wireless networking, digital communications, RFID, TV broadcasts, and satellite transmissions all contribute to an enormous background of erratic electromagnetic radiation at high frequencies, or elector-pollution. So couple the elector-pollution in which we are literally drowning with the stress of our modern way of living,and we have on a daily basis an onslaught on the quality of the STRUCTURED WATER in our bodies.

EMF pollution and health

On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization classified the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans, based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with the use of mobile phones. This is one of the emerging health problems of the 21st century! Doctors warn that unusual cancers are occurring in women who store cell phones in their bras and men keeping their cell phones in their pockets. This can also have a direct effect on their fertility!From this brief sketch two problems stand out:

1.We do not want to give up the comfort of the new wireless technologies and yet we have to live with the effects they have on the structure of the water in our bodies.

2.Our technological modern way of living contributes to the ever-decreasing quality of drinking water itself.

Some of the effects of these two problems are:
  • DNA and protein damage/DNA repair failure
  • Stress proteins and cell death
  • Disrupted immune function
  • Neurological and behavioral effects
  • Fertility and reproduction problems
  • Prenatal and postnatal effects
  • Brain tumors and cancer

What can we do about it?

The coMra Wave technology has been invented to tackle these two problems simultaneously by combining the absorption of the surrounding electromagnetic radiation. And using this absorbed energy to activate or increase the quality, structure and energetic level of the water we consume, and within the human body. The new patented and tested technology behind coMra Wave products embodies two important functions:

1.Protection: to absorb energy from the background electromagnetic radiation and from devices that transmit and receive radio and microwave signals. The products absorb high frequency energy that is considered to have a potentially negative and harmful effect on living organisms, and stores this energy for use as a power source for beneficial functions.

2.Transformation: to use the absorbed electromagnetic radiation in an activation process to raise the general energy, structure and quality of water. The coMra Wave devices encourage a more natural and healthy lifestyle.

Here are some of the coMra Wave benefits:
  • Absorb potentially harmful wireless radiation.
  • Refresh and improve drinking water quality.
  • Quality and style combined with real function.
  • Maintenance free for a lifetime of protection.
  • No batteries needed.
  • Easy to use.
  • Affordable.

We all can now benefit from the innovations that will lead us to a lifestyle that will support our health and protect it even though we all live among wi-fi and cell phones radiation all the time. The responsibility is ours, to always be aware what kind of water we drink and about the environment that we all share.


How Exactly coMra Wave Will Improve the Quality of Your Water

What is Structured Water?

Frequently Asked Questions about coMra Wave technology

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